The UK government may be trying to cause problems with Apple's security updates in its never-ending quest to prove that it can go after tech companies as easily as the EU In fact, Apple has accused the UK of trying to veto new features and updates [Apparently, the UK government thinks it is important enough to tell Apple (and other companies) whether they can release updates in other countries
A number of amendments to the UK's Investigatory Powers Act (IPA) have been proposed One of the proposed amendments would require tech companies like Apple to "notify the UK authorities of any updates that may restrict access to data by the UK government, including updates affecting users outside the UK"
The UK government's justification is that the amendments will enable the IPA to keep pace with new technologies, designed to help fight "terrorists, hostile state actors, child abusers, and criminal organizations" In other words, it is the usual justification that is rolled out when governments try to overreach and overstretch the scope of their mass surveillance
The government argues that this does not provide a veto, but only requires Apple and other companies to notify the Interior Ministry when updates will be made Apple counters, arguing that the move could allow the UK to "secretly veto new user protections globally, preventing us from offering them to our customers"
In other words, the government is essentially demanding the right to continue spying on its citizens But this sounds like the UK government wants unrestricted access to the data of non-UK residents as well It would seem audacious if it were not such a laughably stupid demand
I can see China or the US trying to push for such access and failing miserably, with much pushback from Apple But what about the UK? These days it's like a scrawny 10-year-old demanding that you hand over your phone "or else"
Apple criticized the move, arguing that it would give the UK "unprecedented power" In a statement, the company said "Protecting user privacy and data security is at the heart of everything we do at Apple We are deeply concerned that the proposed amendments (to the IPA) currently before Congress would jeopardize user privacy and security"
The company also stated that it is "deeply concerned that the proposed amendments to the IPA would jeopardize the privacy and security of our users
This is a fair concern The fact that it is an amendment to the Investigatory Powers Act, a law specifically designed to make it easier to spy on private communications, speaks volumes
I don't know about you, but I trust Apple on this one more than I trust my own government, and given that civil liberties groups such as Big Brother Watch, Liberty, Open Rights Group, and Privacy International also oppose this change Apple may be right on this one, given that civil liberties groups such as Big Brother Watch, Liberty, Open Rights Group, and Privacy International are also opposed to the change And Apple has already threatened to withdraw its products from the UK in response to the law's potential threat to security
The IPA Amendments Act is not yet law Like all laws, it must pass the UK House of Commons before it can actually take effect Political wheels take time In particular, the layout of Parliament and its votes could change completely as the UK general election is due to take place before the end of the year